Dr. Darlene Carbajal

Dr. Darlene Carbajal

Associate Professor Communication Arts Office Location: AD 298 Phone: (210) 829-3874

Dr. 达琳·卡巴哈尔(Darlene Carbajal)是菠菜评级传播艺术系的副教授. 她教授多媒体专业的课程,在那里她实施教学方法,帮助学生建立沟通学科与他们的角色和责任之间的联系,以增强人与人之间的联系. 她的研究兴趣包括灵性在高等教育中的作用,以及教师用来促进学生精神发展的教学和指导方法. Using learner-centered approaches, development of the whole person and academic learning are intertwined. 学生学习与学科相关的内容,为他们进入未来的职业生涯做好准备,同时完成课程,探索意义和目的的问题. Dr. Carbajal has 10 years of experience teaching in K-12 public education. 她的个人兴趣包括寻找新的方式进行自我反思练习和参加摇滚音乐会. Dr. Carbajal is a proud El Paso, Texas, native.

  • B.A. University of the Incarnate Word, 2003
  • M.A. University of the Incarnate Word, 2005
  • Ph.D. University of the Incarnate Word, 2017
  • Associate Professor, Communication Arts, University of the Incarnate Word (2023 - present), San Antonio, TX.
  • Assistant Professor, Communication Arts, University of the Incarnate Word (2017 – 2023), San Antonio, TX.
  • 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州,化身世界传播艺术大学兼职教师(2011 - 2017.
  • 技术应用教师,阿拉莫高地初中(2012 - 2017),圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州.
  • 职业和技术教育教师,山姆休斯顿高中(2007 - 2012),圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州.


  • Blanton, R., & Carbajal, D. (2019). 不是女孩,还不是女人:一个关于社交媒体、欺骗和Lil Miquela的关键案例研究. In Innocent E. Chiluwa (Covenant University, Nigeria) and Sergei A. Samoilenko (George Mason University, USA) (Eds.),《菠菜评级排行》(第391页). 87-103). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global.
  • Greenberg, V. & Carbajal, D. (2009). 使用聚合媒体吸引研究生参与数字和电子写作课程:一些令人惊讶的结果. Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009 (pp. 2640-2644). 切萨皮克,弗吉尼亚州:教育计算机发展协会(AACE)

Manuscripts in Progress

  • Carbajal, D. & Ramirez, Q. (conclusion section). 传播理论在社交媒体影响者中的应用——以社交媒体影响者为例, the LaBrant Family, targeted for Communication Research.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

  • Calvino, A. & Carbajal, D. (2020). Instagram Weight Loss: Realistic Journey Content vs. Enchanted Content. 2020 Southwest Fulbright Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Carbajal, D. & Ramirez, Q. (2020, January). Social Media Influencers: Learn More About Our Students' World. 礼来学院和大学教学会议,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州.
  • Carbajal, D. (2019, April). Inclusive Moves: How Well Do We Know Our Students? Fulbright San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Carbajal, D. & Herbers, S. (2019, January). When Students Search for Meaning, Am I A Professional Guide? 礼来学院和大学教学会议,圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州.
  • Carbajal, D. (2018, February). 以信仰为基础的机构中的灵性:促进学生的精神发展. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Carbajal, D. (2017, November). 以信仰为基础的机构中的灵性:促进学生的精神发展. Annual Doctoral Student Research Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.

Selected Lectures and Workshops

  • Alexander, L. & Carbajal, D. (2020, January). Creative Problem Solving for All! Workshop. Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Association of Texas. San Antonio, Texas.
  • Carbajal, D. (2019年1月)超越内容:在万物中寻找灵性. Invited Speaker. Becoming Beholders Day of Reflection. 道成肉身的教与学、宣教与事工大学中心. San Antonio, Texas.
  • Carbajal, D. (2019, November). Commitment and Consistency: Self-Directed Learning. Invited speaker. Dreeben School of Education Graduate Research Symposium. University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Carbajal, D. (2019, November). Good Experiences with Service Learning. Invited speaker. Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability. University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Carbajal, D. (2018, November). Service Learning: Four Models. Invited speaker. 化身世界教学中心和公民领导中心的大学. San Antonio, Texas.
  • National Communication Association, 2020 – Present
  • Fulbright Association, 2019-Present
  • American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), 2019-2019
  • 提名2019年总统教学奖,菠菜评级,2019年
  • Outstanding Graduate Student 2004-2005, University of the Incarnate Word
  • TCEA机器人领域20项发明竞赛:学生获得2013-2014年度第一名和第三名
  • TCEA Robotics State Inventions Competition, 2013-2014, Deer Park, TX.
  • TCEA机器人领域20项发明竞赛:2014-2015年度学生第一名
  • TCEA机器人国家发明大赛:2014-2015年度第五名,达拉斯,德克萨斯州.
  • SAISD Instructional Technology, Making It Happen Award, 2010-2011

Selected Service

  • Dissertation Committee, Gina Pagano, Dreeben School of Education, University of the Incarnate Word, 2020-Present
  • 顶点主席,斯蒂芬·阿吉雷,威斯康星大学之心,菠菜评级,2020年秋季
  • 教师参与者,9-11纪念服务,菠菜评级,2020年
  • 活动主持人,KUIW 15周年庆典,菠菜评级,2020
  • Event Facilitator, Lambda Pi Eta, University of the Incarnate Word, 2020
  • 2019-2020年,菠菜评级,会见大师,活动协调人
  • Capstone Chair, Jason Futrell, Improving UIW Student Mental Health: A Puppet Centered PSA Campaign, University of the Incarnate Word, Spring 2020
  • 2019-2020年,道成肉身的世界大学宣教领袖学院教职员
  • Capstone Chair, Auris Calvino, 减肥Instagram影响力:现实减肥之旅流行度对比分析, Content vs. Enchanted Content, University of the Incarnate Word, Fall 2019
  • Capstone Chair, Anthony Gollab, 通过音乐疗法进行交流:通过音乐的力量提高生活质量, University of the Incarnate Word, Fall 2019
  • Capstone Committee Member, JJ Lopez, Advancing KUIW: A Business Plan for Continued Services, University of the Incarnate Word, Fall 2019
  • 教师团队领导,满足使命,菠菜评级,2019
  • 媒体与设计学院代表,机构效能委员会,2019-2021年
  • 2019年贝勒大学礼来研究员项目会议小组讨论组长
  • 媒体与设计学院活动协调员,2020年Hoopla SMD庆典,2019年
  • 传播艺术活动协调员,第一届年度传播艺术学生展示,2019
  • Faculty Presenter, Becoming Beholders A Day of Reflection, 2019
  • Capstone Chair, Brittany Deike, 社交游戏:探索电子游戏优势的混合方法, University of the Incarnate Word, Fall 2018
  • Content Contributor to promote UIW Heritage Days, UIW Mission & Media Ministry, 2018
  • 教师志愿者,Word in Action服务日,菠菜评级2018
  • 媒体与设计学院代表,响应系统点击委员会,UIW, 2018
  • 教师参与者,跨信仰扫盲,流利和服务资助计划,UIW, 2018
  • Content Creator, Tricentennial Festival—Mi Casa es Su Casa! 基督圣罗莎健康系统,道成肉身的慈善姐妹会和威斯康星大学,2018年
  • Content Creator, UIW Mission & Ministry Media, 2018
  • 2018年,UIW Mission and Ministry and UIW, Mission Leadership Retreat,教师参与者
  • Faculty Presenter, Service Learning: Four Models, UIW Center for Teaching & Learning and the Ettling Center, 2018
  • 学院参与者,服装设计学生客户端悬垂项目,2018
  • 教师团队领导,满足使命,菠菜评级,2017
  • 教师参与,在体验式学习中增加学习,威斯康星大学教学中心 & Learning, 2017
  • 教职员工,所有UIW员工的跨宗教素养,UIW教学中心 & Learning, 2017
  • 媒体与设计学院代表,献上我们的礼物,圣灵弥撒,2017

Undergraduate Courses

  • Computer Literacy for Communication Arts
  • Convergent Media
  • Design, Layout and Print Production
  • Event Planning
  • Introduction to Creative Publishing
  • Multimedia Design and Production

Graduate Courses

  • Seminar in Convergent Media