November 13, 2023

By Dr. Javier Clavere 

Rev. Mother Pierre Cinquin, 在修会成立的那几年, advised the Sisters, “In all of our works, the glory should be for God, the utility for others, and the trouble for ourselves.” In this profound statement, Cinquin母亲概述了我们机构魅力的基础,并概括了我们为他人服务的使命. 这种神恩应该在我们的教育和转变之旅中陪伴和启发我们, 使我们能够反映姐妹们的文化价值观和行为, educational philosophy, and sense of social justice. “为上帝而活,为他人而活。.”

Dr. Javier Clavere At the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS), 我们很荣幸能容纳我们的使命, identity, and charism, 迫使我们继续努力,以榜样来示范道成肉身的话语, incarnational love, and incarnational peace, 由会众谦恭而杰出地制定. It is both a privilege and a profound responsibility to be entrusted with this Mission as part of our endeavors at the University; to provide emotional, social, 在教育中给予他人精神上的支持, academic, and transformational environment.

为了表彰这一殊荣,中国社会科学院将今年定为“尊严年”.” As part of a larger project, 我们强调天主教探究传统的核心组成部分之一:尊重每个人的尊严,因为每个人都是按照上帝的形象创造的. 我们邀请了整个大学社区参与阅读, 《菠菜评级排行》,” by Donna Hicks. In this project, 我们将寻求机会实践和完善体现他人尊严的三种行为:热情好客, Radical Inclusivity, and Radical Accompaniment.   

As a student of Stoicism, 一个人学习到修行美德是获得eudamonia(良好的精神或幸福)的必经之路。, 通过在日常生活中不断实践某些美德. Concomitantly, in Christianity, 通往圣洁的道路是一个不断发展自我意识的过程,需要持续的实践和承诺. As with any practice, for example, practicing a sport, a musical instrument, or any creative activity, 我们需要采取具体和具体的步骤来提高我们的能力和灵活性,以达到尽可能高的水平. 高水平的表现需要敏锐的自我意识,加上重复,以确保我们新提炼的习惯成为自动的. We are called to be coachable.


The first act, “Radical Hospitality,这句话要求我们在别人的需求显露出来之前就去满足他们, 在我们对他人的服务中成为化身, caring for them, and providing spiritual shelter. In Matthew 25:35 Jesus tells us, “因为我饿了,你给了我食物, 我渴了,你给我水喝, 我是个陌生人,你却欢迎我, I was naked and you clothed me, I was ill and you cared for me, 我在监狱里,你来看过我.“这是一种鼓舞他人的做法, 想要不加评判地理解他们的挣扎, 在每个人身上看到上帝的面容, 在我们感同身受的情况下提供空间,给予接纳和欢迎的拥抱.

The second act, “Radical Inclusivity,呼应了马太福音22:39中耶稣的话, 你要爱人如己.“这是一种包容所有人的做法, as Pope Francis calls us, to preach mercy, compassion, and forgiveness, rather than stern admonishments, and condemnations. 正是在欢迎他人的行为中,上帝的爱才得以表达. 开放和欢迎是衡量我们体现包容性能力的真正标准.

The third and final act, “Radical Accompaniment,” requires great faith, a sense of strong hope in God, 还有耐心忍受错误和宽恕的意愿. As Pope Francis explained, 擅长这种陪伴的人不会屈服于挫折或恐惧.“在这种陪伴行为中蕴含着与他人同行的想法, 帮助他们走上通往圣洁的道路.

这三种行为提出了我们必须问自己的问题:我们如何实践好客, inclusivity, 并成为我们教育事业的化身? 我们如何练习,就像任何运动一样,成为圣洁的典范? 在灵性提升方面,我们有多容易接受指导?

我早期作为一名音乐会钢琴家的经历需要牺牲成千上万个小时来完善我的手艺, never attaining perfection, by striving for excellence, nonetheless. In a similar way, I continue to apply myself with the same intensity and willingness to be the model of a coachable individual who is in a constant learning mindset; to continue striving to reach for the unreachable, 我只希望能模仿一下, even if it is mostly poorly, 这是道成肉身的圣言姐妹们生活的榜样, 和耶稣基督的教训. 在成为爱的化身的旅程中,我们是否可以在社区中相互陪伴, peace, and justice.