

作者:Erika Arredondo-Haskins


庆祝西班牙传统月, UIW Women’s and Gender Studies and Los Alcaldes de Béxar, 当地的非营利组织, partnered to host a public history program that honored the early alcaldes (mayors) of San Antonio, 1836年以前. 该节目于10月11日星期六举行. 8, included a display of the Los Alcades de Béxar Project educational travel exhibition and the unveiling of a new forensic portrait. There was also an academic presentation by Jesus "Frank" de la Teja, Ph.D., Regents’ Professor Emeritus and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Texas State University. De la Teja presented on Erasmo Seguin (1782-1857), 谁在1820年担任镇长, 西班牙统治的最后一年.

The Los Alcaldes de Béxar Project works to produce a forensic portrait series of the alcaldes that served the municipio of Béxar from 1731-1836, perform archival research to generate a canonical list of alcaldes, and to research and 发布 biographical sketches of each alcalde. UIW 德利本教育学院 doctoral candidate and graduate research assistant in the Women’s and Gender Studies program Erika Arredondo-Haskins, leads the Los Alcaldes de Béxar organization. She also assists in the facilitation of the UIW Young Women’s Global Leadership Program.

Little is known about the sixty-plus citizens of Béxar who served as alcaldes from 1731 to 1836. The City of San Antonio has a list on its website, but it does not reflect the numerous issues that arose over the 105-year period, 包括辞职, 在职死亡, ad interim appointments and other irregularities. Archival research performed by Los Alcaldes de Béxar has revealed several discrepancies in the city’s list.

The alcaldes played a significant role in the sustainability of San Antonio. The Spanish, and later Mexican, unit of local government was the municipio , which was governed by an ayuntamiento (town council). The Spanish system of government was judicial in nature, so the administrative head of the ayuntamiento was the town’s judge. The alcaldes of Béxar were elected annually, presided over the ayuntamiento , and served as the local magistrates responsible for all civil, criminal and family matters.

San Antonio’s City Hall displays a “hall of mayors” spanning from 1842 until present day. The only Hispanic mayor to be displayed in the hall prior to 1836 is Juan Seguin. There is a 105-year gap of the sixty-plus Hispanic men who served as alcaldes, as displayed in the forensic portrait series. 进一步, 六十多名市长, only thirteen biographical sketches exist on the Texas State Historical Association’s 德州在线手册.


One of the Hispanic Heritage Month program highlights was the unveiling of a forensic portrait of retired Spanish and Mexican Army Lieutenant Alcalde Jose Maria Salinas (1797-1851). Salinas descends directly from prominent military leaders including Diego Ramón, Commander of the Royal Presidio de San Juan Bautista del Norte and the former Governor of Coahuila, 新西班牙(墨西哥), 还有何塞·德·乌鲁西亚船长, commander of Presidio de San Antonio de Béxar. 他的祖父, 弗朗西斯科·曼纽尔·萨利纳斯, 一位德高望重的西班牙皇家军官, was the first Spanish Patriot to be recognized by the Daughters of the American Revolution for his contributions to the success of the American cause in the war for independence through their activities in Louisiana.

The Salinas family were wealthy ranch landowners who provided support to Stephen F. 詹姆斯·W·奥斯汀. 范宁和威廉·巴雷特·特拉维斯. During the Texas fight for independence, Salinas permitted Texian soldiers to camp on his ranch. According to the City of San Antonio’s website, Salinas served as alcalde of San Antonio in 1822, 1827, 1831年和1836年. He was the last Hispanic alcalde to serve before Texas gained its independence.

这幅肖像由奥巴马夫人捐赠. 辛西娅·弗洛雷斯, 萨利纳斯的祖先, was rendered through a regression analysis by the world-renowned forensic artist Lois Gibson. 露易丝被记录在 吉尼斯世界纪录 as "The World's Most Successful Forensic Artist." Her sketches have helped law enforcement identify over 750 criminals.

The honorable Lucy Adame Clark, Bexar County clerk, was also in attendance. Clark is a dedicated supporter of the Los Alcaldes de Béxar Project. She is working with the organization to promote its preservation and educational efforts.

到目前为止, Los Alcaldes de Béxar have rendered five forensic portraits and produced five 发布ed academic entries in the Texas State Historical Association’s 泰哈诺历史手册. Los Alcaldes de Béxar is a volunteer board composed of dedicated scholars, 历史学家, 以及寻求研究的教授, 发布, promote and educate others about the histories of the early governmental leaders of our city.

This public history program was made possible through the generous efforts of Dr. Luella D中保, 威斯康星大学妇女与性别研究主任, 人文德州, 以及国家人文基金会.

To learn more about the alcaldes project or to learn how to get involved, visit losalcaldes.org 或与该组织联系 info@losalcaldes.org.