Earn the Keys to a Career in Financial Planning

December 22, 2016

Earn the Keys to a Career in Financial Planning 
H-E-B School of Business and Administration offers programs for jobs in-demand

San Antonio – The University of the Incarnate Word’s H-E-B School of Business & Administration (HEBSBA) offers students the opportunity to learn the tools to succeed in management in the fields of banking, insurance and investments through a Finance degree in Financial Planning.

The Financial Planning program prepares students in areas of Personal Finance such as risk management and insurance, estate planning, investment planning, retirement, among others.

The HEBSBA Financial Planning program is registered through the CFP Board, an independent certifying organization that owns the CFP® and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification marks. Graduates of the program will be prepared to meet the education requirement for the CFP® Certification Examination. The CFP® designation is awarded to individuals who meet its education, examination, experience, ethics and other requirements.

Students receive a practical education with emphasis on a global reach of international and cultural understanding. The HEBSBA offers high-quality undergraduate programs steeped in the UIW traditions of faith, service, innovation, truth, and education. For more information on the UIW Financial Planning Program visit: http://uasystem.ospifse.net/hebsba/.