

Earn a 卫生管理硕士 (MHA) degree from the 工商管理学院. The 21-month, 48-hour program is designed for those seeking to pursue careers in the healthcare industry. A values-based, 能力驱动和经验为重点的项目, MHA学位课程培养学生的道德, 理论和专业技能.

医疗管理教育认证委员会 (CAHME), the UIW MHA program is ideal for those currently in the workforce with courses offered exclusively in the evenings two nights per week. The MHA program is distinguished by its small class sizes which provide increased professor-student interaction and mentoring opportunities.



The 卫生管理硕士 offers graduate students the option to learn in a residential on-campus setting or in an online hybrid environment. 每个课程都包括相同的课程和学位要求.

参加校内课程的MHA学生在UIW会面 罗森博格验光学院 每周在圣安东尼奥呆两个晚上. Students in the MHA hybrid program attend online classes held synchronously (in real-time) using a virtual platform two nights per week. 这些课程与住宿课程的时间表相同. The hybrid portion of the program curriculum requires students to attend three on-campus sessions, 哪些是在开始时举行的, 节目的中间和结尾.

A highlight of the MHA hybrid program is the on-campus experiences graduate students attend at the beginning, 学位课程的中间和结尾. 这些一到三天的会议, 通常从周五开始, take place on the UIW Broadway and the 罗森博格验光学院 campuses in San Antonio, Texas. These sessions provide the opportunity for face-to-face interaction with peers and faculty in a collaborative learning environment. The hybrid program students will also have the chance to interact with residential students and complete other program requirements not directly linked to specific courses.


这节课包括我们传统的课程介绍, where students will meet their professors and other students entering both the residential and online programs. It typically occurs two weeks before Fall classes start and is held on a Friday through part of Sunday. 学生将简要了解uw和MHA项目的要求和政策, 信息技术和软件接入, and library resources, to mention a few. They will also engage with several guest speakers with a focus on professional development and engage in group dynamic skills development activities. Students will also meet with their faculty mentor who will be their mentor throughout the program. Students and faculty will participate in a short community service event as a cohort, 这是一项在历史悠久的百老汇校园进行的熟悉活动, and attend an evening social gathering with the second-year students and alumni.


This session takes place in mid-May following the students’ first year in the program and typically covers a Friday and Saturday. During this session, students from both the online and residential cohorts participate in a two-day educational symposium with guest speakers presenting on a range of current healthcare topics. Students participate in another short community service event and another student-alumni social gathering. Students who are required to participate in the MHA internship program receive an additional briefing ahead of internship placements, 在项目的第二年进行什么.


最后一次面对面的会议在毕业前的星期五举行, 通常发生在五月第一周之后的周六. Students will complete their final program requirements and then gather as a cohort to celebrate the successful conclusion of their MHA degree.


MHA Curriculum

建立在20项能力的基础上, the MHA degree provides students with a health systems perspective based on an understanding of health and disease, 以及影响该行业的经济和社会因素.

Integrated into the curriculum are a wide range of opportunities for students to gain real-world healthcare experience, 包括研究生实习, 专业和领导力发展, a symposium session, 也是一次顶点体验.


The MHA is a 48-hour degree program that focuses on and integrates managerial responsibilities, 有关的职能和角色:

  • 人力资源管理
  • 预算和财务决策
  • Legal and ethical issues
  • 质量和持续改进
  • Information management
  • Marketing
  • 卫生政策和战略思想





The 卫生管理硕士 program prepares its graduates for success in a wide range of settings within the health and medical services management industry. 探索MHA的好处.

Earning Potential

According to the U.S. 劳工统计局在美国,卫生服务经理的平均年薪是.S. 到2023年5月,在德克萨斯州是120,200美元.

Industry Growth

The number of positions in health services management is projected to continue to grow at 28% between 2022 and 2032, 哪个比所有职业的平均水平快得多. Texas is home to the second-highest number of healthcare management professionals in the country at just over 51,000 as of 2023, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. 预计会有大约54个,每年有700个卫生服务经理职位空缺, on average, over the next decade. (劳工统计局职业展望手册)

Community Impact

每天做出改变,改善人们的生活. Healthcare executives care deeply about the people with whom they work and serve.

The MHA program at UIW is accredited by CAHME and has excellent student graduation and employment rates. 我们的毕业生在广泛的医疗保健机构就业, including, but not limited to, 医院和卫生系统, physician practices, 联邦认证的社区卫生中心, governmental agencies, 军队和退伍军人卫生系统设施, 健康保险公司, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, 管理式医疗机构, 制药/生物技术/医疗设备公司, 以及医疗团体实践.

The MHA program is committed to increasing minorities and women in health management leadership as reflected in our student demographic profiles below. 您可以在CAHME网站上找到其他项目结果数据: Residential MHA and the Hybrid/Online MHA (从2021年秋季开始).

Cohort by Graduation Year 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
被录取学生人数 13 13 17 13 25 19 22
录取班级平均绩点 3.60 3.60 3.54 3.36 3.25 3.45 3.48
学生的百分比-女性 39% 54% 53% 85% 52% 47% 50%
学生的百分比-少数民族 92% 54% 82% 85% 60% 58% 77%
Retention Rate (i.e., % who graduated) 85% 88% 100% 100% 95% 91%
就业率(毕业后3个月) pending 100% 92% 92% 100% 82%
Hybrid/Online MHA Student Demographics, Completion and Job Placement Rates
Hybrid/Online MHA Student Demographics, Completion and Job Placement Rates
Cohort by Graduation Year 2025 2024 2023
被录取学生人数 11 11 11
录取班级平均绩点 3.79 3.44 3.63
学生的百分比-女性 82% 64% 88%
学生的百分比-少数民族 73% 73% 88%
Retention Rate (i.e., % who graduated) 91% 88%
就业率(毕业后3个月) pending 100%


The alumni of the 卫生管理硕士 program at the 工商管理学院 work in a variety of areas within the healthcare industry.

Aashika Ashok, MHA, 2023届毕业生

Aashika最近刚从uw的MHA项目毕业. 她是2023届的一员.

Erika Zachary, MHA, 2023届毕业生

埃里卡是威斯康星大学MHA项目的应届毕业生. 她是2023届的一员.


Admissions Criteria

了解更多关于需求的信息, standards and processes to begin your journey as a 工商管理学院 MHA student.
