
Teacher Education Program

Get the degree and training you need to be a life-changing elementary, secondary or all-level teacher.

A future in teaching awaits. The Dreeben School of Education offers an opportunity to earn an undergraduate degree and Texas Teacher Certification. Through our rigorous program, teacher education students are prepared to enter the profession, to meet the varied needs of the diverse learners in their classrooms, and to support the greater educational community.

Students pursuing a future in elementary teaching earn a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (B.A.) with a reading minor and an optional special education minor.

Students selecting secondary-level teaching or all-level teaching will major in their chosen discipline and minor in education.

I Want To Teach ...

UIW education teacher in the classroom

Early Childhood through Grade 6

Prepare for a career as an elementary teacher (Early Childhood-Grade 6) by earning a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education with Texas Teacher Certification.

Student in clinical teaching at UIW

Secondary (Grade 7 - Grade 12)

Secondary-level (grades 7 through 12) teacher candidates complete dual majors in their intended teaching field and in education.

Student in clinical teaching at UIW

All-Level Grades (Early Childhood - Grade 12)

All level (early childhood through 12) teacher candidates complete dual majors in their intended teaching field and in education.